Online Guide on Canada

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Immigration Focuses on Language Skills

Like Australia, the Canadian immigration service is placing more emphasis on the English language skills of applicants for Canadian visas. British applicants, who speak English as their first language, have an advantage in settling into their new homes and workplaces. The minister of Citizenship and Immigration announced new funding for language training this month. A programme to assist newcomers to Canada will receive an extra CN$12.5 million (£5.9 million) to expand English language training services for new immigrants to Hamilton, Ontario. The focus on language abilities for migrants echoes recent changes to Australian visa protocol, where the visa points test system has been changed to reward English language abilities. Spokesperson for the Canadian Visa Bureau, Tom Blackett commented: "We've already seen Canada's system mimic a number of elements from the Australian migration process, so it will be interesting to see if any further amendments will be made in the near future. Canada needs capable skilled migrants, so anything that might make it easier for genuine candidates would be welcomed."

Minister Diane Finley said: "Canada's new government is committed to helping newcomers succeed and build new lives for themselves and their families in Canada." Citizenship and Immigration Canada provides a number of programmes to help newcomers settle, adapt and integrate into Canadian society. These include the Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program, which offers orientation services and referrals to community resources, counselling, general information and employment-related services. Canada welcomes new immigrants: The Canadian Visa Bureau can assist skilled workers interested in Canadian immigration. More information on Canadian visas is available on the website. Anyone applying for a Canadian visa may begin by completing the Canadian Visa Bureau's online Canadian visa application to see if they meet the legislative requirements.