ESL v/s LINC programmes in Canada

ESL (English as a Second Language) is funded by the Provincial Government. One of the differences with ESL is that eligibility is not determined by resident status. These classes are open to permanent residents of Canada, convention refugees, refugee claimants who have a Study Permit issued by CIC, and Canadian Citizens. ESL classes and Private ESL schools are also open to tourists for a fee.

While, LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) is funded by the Federal Government under Citizenship and Immigration. The difference here is also in eligibility. LINC classes are intended for permanent residents and convention refugees only. In order to enroll in LINC classes, students are required to take an assessment test in order to determine the appropriate level to be placed in. Futher, LINC classes are free of charge. At most of the LINC locations there is on-site childminding for children 18 months to 5 years old. This service is also available for free.

The other difference is that LINC is a general program and provides basic language skills. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say which program is better than the other. However, you can find some additional differences and benefits of each in these articles here:

Different kinds of ESL programs are available? See link here

What is Language Instruction for Newcomers (LINC)? See link here

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