Helping New Canadians Get Jobs

A new project funded by the Government of Canada will allow skilled workers who are new to Canada with the help they need to integrate into the workforce and their communities. Senator Hugh Segal announced recently on behalf of the Honourable Monte Solberg, Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, funding for the Assisting Local Leaders with Immigrant Employment Strategies (ALLIES) project in partnership with the Maytree Foundation with investment of over $800,000. "The Government of Canada is creating the best educated, most skilled and most flexible workforce in the world," said Senator Segal. "This project will help employers better integrate skilled new Canadians into the workforce and their local communities." The Maytree Foundation will receive funding through the federal government's Foreign Credential Recognition Program (FCRP), to develop a comprehensive set of online tools on immigration to enable employers and community groups to better integrate skilled immigrant workers into the Canadian workforce, enabling them to better contribute to Canada's economic and social development.

Obtaining information on mentoring, internships, co-op placements, loan programs, best practices and success stories will be some of these online tools employers and immigrants can utilize. Building a stronger awareness among employers about the value of international experience and credentials, and help create new opportunities for skilled immigrants across Canada is the goal of this new project. "Maytree is pleased to partner with the federal government in building a pan-Canadian project that will connect employers across the country and leverage their capacity to tap into the talents of skilled immigrants," said Ms. Ratna Omidvar, Executive Director, Maytree "ALLIES will develop online learning tools so that employers can adopt winning strategies when hiring skilled immigrants. This project will also assist local communities in coordinating and replicating successful immigrant employment programs."

Attracting and retaining the most talented individuals including those with education and skills acquired abroad, and ensuring that all Canadians are able to reach their full potential is a top priority for Canada, as it is critical to ensuring the country's long-term economic success and prosperity. As a direct result, the FCRP is improving the integration of internationally trained newcomers into the workforce by funding and working with the provinces, territories, and key stakeholders to implement projects that facilitate the assessment and recognition of qualifications acquired in other countries.

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